Counseling Available at Fairhaven

From its beginning, Fairhaven Ministries was created to provide services to Christian workers, many of whom suffer from burnout, in need of spiritual and emotional counseling.

We provide biblically sound, professional counseling by qualified counselors in a safe, nurturing, and confidential environment.

Fairhaven is a place where you and your family can receive help resolving issues that can arise from the rigors of the unique work of the ministry. We offer:

  • Prayer Support
  • Coaching
  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Counseling

Frequently asked questions about our Counseling Services

Who seeks counseling at Fairhaven? Fairhaven was established as a safe place for pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers to find rest and help. Lay persons are also welcome to take advantage of the facilities as well as the counseling.

Are there any denominational ties? Fairhaven serves all denominations and mission boards. As such, there is no intention to promote any particular doctrinal teaching that would be identified with a particular church or denomination. Instead, it is our desire to rest in our shared agreement with the fundamentals of the Christian faith as found in God’s Word and allow those truths to inform the counseling process.

What kinds of issues does Fairhaven’s counselor address? Abuse of Substances
Adults Abused as Children
Anger Management
Boundary Setting
Divorce Recovery
Family Conflict
Forced Termination
Grief Recovery
Infidelity Recovery
Internet Addiction
Marital Conflict
Marriage Enrichment
Missional Cultural Adjustment
Missional Reentry
Parenting Difficulties
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual Dryness
Stress Management

What is the approach used for counseling at Fairhaven? Fairhaven believes that the Bible remains the only sure foundation for faith and practice and that it is Christ’s living presence in and through His people, by His Holy Spirit, that provides true hope for lasting change and transformation. We believe that God can and does guide His people in discoveries and findings that may contribute to greater personal health and well-being. Our counselors find value and benefit in following biblically sound, empirically supported, scientific and psychological approaches to the counseling process.

How long should we stay to get help? The decision as to the length of stay involves finding a balance between the level of need, the freedom afforded to be away from responsibilities, and the ability to cover the expenses of lodging and counseling. For most guests, a one-week stay may be sufficient. Typically, when long-term counseling is indicated or when follow-up is advised, guests are encouraged to seek a qualified counselor in their local area.

Can we bring our children? If the main focus for a guest’s visit is to secure marital counseling, then it is highly advisable that the couple arrange for childcare so that the couple can devote their undivided time and energy to their marital relationship. For individual counseling, where a spouse is available to care for the children during their partner’s counseling sessions, bringing the children may be an option. Be aware that childcare services are not available at Fairhaven. We do not permit children to attend adult counseling sessions.

What are the counseling rates? Counseling is a complimentary gift to Fairhaven guests made possible by the voluntary donations from those who desire that others benefit from the counseling program. The tax deductible donation can be made to Fairhaven Ministries with a specific designation to the "Counseling Scholarship Fund."

What our guests say
What a wonderful place. The setting, the facility, the staff are all top shelf. We had a great stay.
Fairhaven is a beautiful place! Perfect for my sabbatical retreat. Perfect for real solitude. The trails are perfect for losing myself in the depths of creation! I truly disconnected from the demands of earthly care and responsibility and reconnected with God in a meaningful way!